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Oto najbardziej wciągające dyskusje na temat Cypriot ideologii politycznych.

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…2 lata2Y


Socialism is a political ideology that advocates for the collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. It emphasizes the principle that wealth and income should be shared more equally among the people. Socialists argue that the distribution of wealth and power in a society should be controlled by the whole community rather than by individuals or private corporations.

The roots of socialism as a political ideology can be traced back to the French Revolution in the late 18th century, but it was not until the 19th century that it…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…2 lata2Y


Liberalism is a political ideology that emphasizes individual rights, equality, and the protection of civil liberties. It is rooted in the principles of democracy, free market economics, and the rule of law. The term "liberalism" comes from the Latin word "liber," meaning "free," and it is fundamentally concerned with the concept of freedom and the rights of the individual.

The origins of liberalism can be traced back to the Age of Enlightenment in the 17th and 18th centuries, a period of intellectual and philosophical development that emphasized reason, analysis,…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…2 lata2Y


Nationalism is a political ideology that emphasizes loyalty, devotion, or allegiance to a nation or nation-state. It promotes the interests of a particular nation, especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining the nation's sovereignty over its homeland. Nationalism holds that each nation should govern itself, free from outside interference, and that a nation is a natural and ideal basis for a polity. It further implies that each nation is unique and fundamentally different from all others, thus it deserves its own political institutions.

The concept of nationalism emerged in the late…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…2 lata2Y


The "Right" political ideology is a broad term that encompasses a range of beliefs and values centered around traditionalism, conservatism, and a preference for maintaining established social hierarchies and institutions. Right-wing ideologies typically emphasize individualism, free markets, limited government intervention, and a focus on personal responsibility.

Historically, the roots of the Right can be traced back to the aftermath of the French Revolution in the late 18th century, where conservative thinkers sought to preserve the existing social order and resist the revolutionar…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…2 lata2Y


Conservatism is a political ideology that emphasizes the preservation of traditional institutions, practices, and moral values. It is rooted in a resistance to rapid change and a preference for gradual evolution, with a strong focus on maintaining social stability and continuity. The ideology often advocates for limited government intervention, free market capitalism, and individual liberties.

The origins of conservatism can be traced back to the late 18th century, during the period of the Enlightenment. It emerged as a reaction to the radical political changes brought about by the French Revo…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…2 lata2Y


Capitalism is a political and economic ideology characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, investments determined by private decision, and prices, production, and the distribution of goods determined mainly by competition in a free market. It is a system in which the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit. This profit is generated through efficient use of the resources, obtained through a voluntary exchange in a free market.

The roots of capitalism can be traced back to the late Middle Ages in Europe, where it gradually emerged following the demi…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…2 lata2Y


Communism is a political ideology that advocates for a classless society where all property is publicly owned, and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. The concept of communism originated from Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the mid-19th century, as outlined in their famous work, "The Communist Manifesto." They argued that society's history was a history of class struggles, and that the proletariat, or working class, would eventually rise up against the bourgeoisie, or capitalist class, to establish a communist society.

Communism is often assoc…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…2 lata2Y


Social Democracy is a political ideology that advocates for a balance between a capitalist or market economy and strong governmental intervention to promote social justice. It is rooted in the belief that social and economic inequalities should be minimized through progressive taxation, income redistribution, or even welfare state measures. The ideology also supports a robust public sector, including public education, healthcare, and child care, as well as other services aimed at minimizing poverty and homelessness.

The origins of Social Democracy can be traced back to the 19th century, during…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…2 lata2Y


The "Left" political ideology is a broad term that encompasses a range of beliefs and values centered around the idea of promoting social equality, justice, and solidarity. It is often associated with advocating for government intervention in the economy to address issues of inequality and poverty, as well as supporting policies that protect workers' rights, provide social welfare programs, and ensure access to healthcare and education for all citizens.

The roots of the Left can be traced back to the Enlightenment era in Europe, where thinkers like Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Karl…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…2 lata2Y


Alter-globalization, also known as anti-globalization, is a political ideology that advocates for a different type of globalization than the one currently dominating the world. It is not against globalization per se, but rather against the neoliberal, corporate-led version of it. Alter-globalization proponents argue for a more equitable and sustainable form of globalization that respects human rights, labor rights, and environmental sustainability.

The alter-globalization movement emerged in the late 20th century as a response to the increasing power of multinational corporations and the perce…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…2 lata2Y


The Temperance political ideology is a movement that advocates for the reduction or prohibition of alcohol consumption. It emerged in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, primarily in English-speaking countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. The ideology was driven by the belief that alcohol was the root cause of many societal issues, including domestic violence and poverty.

The Temperance movement gained significant momentum in the 19th century, with various organizations being established to promote its cause. These organizations often had religious…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…2 lata2Y

Prawa naturalne

The "Natural Rights" political ideology is a philosophical concept that asserts that certain rights are inherent by virtue of human nature, endowed by nature, God, or a transcendent source, and that these can be understood universally through human reason. These rights are often viewed as being fundamental to human existence, such as the right to life, liberty, and property.

The concept of natural rights originated during the Enlightenment period, a time of significant intellectual growth and societal change in the 17th and 18th centuries. The idea was heavily influenced by the work…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…2 lata2Y


Internationalism is a political ideology that advocates for greater political and economic cooperation among nations for the mutual benefit of all. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of nations and the global community, and promotes the idea that nations should work together to solve common problems and challenges. This ideology is often contrasted with nationalism, which emphasizes the interests and culture of individual nations.

Internationalism emerged as a significant political ideology in the 19th century, during a period of rapid globalization and industrialization. It was initially…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…2 lata2Y


Neo-Confucianism is a political ideology that emerged in China during the Song Dynasty (960-1279) as a response to the ideas of Buddhism and Daoism. It is a revival and reinterpretation of the ancient Confucian philosophy, which emphasizes moral and ethical conduct, respect for authority, and the importance of education. Neo-Confucianism, however, goes beyond these traditional Confucian values by incorporating metaphysical and cosmological elements, largely influenced by Buddhism and Daoism.

The development of Neo-Confucianism was a gradual process, with its roots traced back to the Tang Dynas…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…2 lata2Y


Tridemism is a political ideology that is not widely recognized or defined in the field of political science. The term does not appear in most political science literature or discussions, and there is no consensus on its meaning or characteristics. It's possible that "Tridemism" could be a typographical error or a term specific to a certain region or context.

In general, political ideologies are sets of ethical ideals, principles, doctrines, myths, or symbols of a social movement, institution, class, or large group that explains how society should work and offers some political…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…2 lata2Y

Nowa Demokracja

New Democracy is a political ideology that was first proposed by Mao Zedong, the leader of the Chinese Communist Party, during the Chinese Revolution in the mid-20th century. It is a concept that is rooted in Marxist-Leninist theory, but it also incorporates unique elements that reflect the specific conditions and needs of developing countries.

The theory of New Democracy holds that in semi-colonial and semi-feudal societies, the bourgeois-democratic revolution should be led by the proletariat. This revolution, according to Mao, should aim to overthrow foreign imperialism and feudalism, and…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…2 lata2Y

Fundamentalizm chrześcijański

Christian Fundamentalism is a conservative movement within the broader context of Christianity that primarily arose in the late 19th and early 20th centuries among British and American Protestants. The movement is characterized by a strict belief in the inerrancy of the Bible, the literal interpretation of its texts, and the assertion of traditional Christian beliefs against the perceived threats posed by modernism.

The term "fundamentalism" was coined in the United States, and it has its roots in the Niagara Bible Conference (1878–1897), which defined those tenets it considere…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…2 lata2Y

Lewicowy nacjonalizm

Left-wing nationalism, also known as socialist nationalism, is a political ideology that combines left-wing politics and nationalism. It advocates for social equality and national self-determination. Left-wing nationalists seek to preserve and foster a nation or a nation-state's cultural identity while promoting social justice, workers' rights, and a welfare state. They often oppose imperialism and globalization, arguing that these phenomena can erode a nation's sovereignty and its unique cultural identity.

The roots of left-wing nationalism can be traced back to the French Revo…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…2 lata2Y


Centre-left political ideology is a term used to describe a spectrum of political beliefs that lean towards the left-wing on the political scale but are closer to the centre than to the far left. This ideology is often associated with social equality, social justice, and a mixed economy, combining private enterprise with government intervention to promote social welfare. It is also typically associated with progressive social policies, including support for human rights, environmentalism, and multiculturalism.

The history of centre-left ideology can be traced back to the late 19th and early…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…2 lata2Y

Rewizjonistyczny syjonizm

Revisionist Zionism is a political ideology that emerged in the early 20th century as a faction within the Zionist movement. It was founded by Ze'ev Jabotinsky, a Russian Jewish writer and activist, who believed that the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, then under British control, should be achieved through political and military means.

Jabotinsky's vision was a response to what he perceived as the failure of mainstream Zionism to secure a Jewish homeland. He argued that the Zionist movement should adopt a more assertive and uncompromising stance towards the British and…  Czytaj więcej